At Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) part of the work we do is develop applications for prison staff. Our users are people with very limited time.
Every minute they spend using our applications is a minute they're not spending taking care of prisoners. Contact with prison staff has been identified as one of the main factors affecting rehabilitation. The ease of use of our applications directly influences the success of prisoners.
Building systems with user efficiency as the focus shifts the way we create software. Every interface change has to decrease the amount of time users spend in our applications. We want them in and out as quickly as possible.
In this talk we will explore the story of a new feature in one of our applications - the product, process and technical decisions we make to bring something to life.
About Nevelina
I find the world of software fascinating - from the coding through the team dynamics to the bigger picture. I wear multiple hats. I like giving back and sharing what I learn. I am a co-organiser of Sheffield Women in Tech. Outside of tech, I am a bookworm that pretends to enjoy fell running.